Quyết định thay đổi địa chỉ sinh hoạt Thiền đường Ottawa, Canada.

Re: Decision to change the location of Ottawa Meditation Center

For the purpose of growing DDM in Ottawa, Canada, we have wanted members at Ottawa meditation center to promote our teaching in their community so that the local residents can benefit from it.

We have approved Ottawa Meditation Center moving to the following new location:
Address: 1765 Courtwood Crescent Unit B,
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada K2C 3J2

We wish all Ottawa members to work together in a noble spirit. The Center’s members should corporate and love one another to prove to the community that DDM brings real benefits…

DDM Headquarters, USA, February 03rd, 2025
Founder Masters
Nguyễn Đức Thuận & Nguyễn Ngọc Hải


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