September 27-2012
Subject: New UHBE Center in Castellón - Spain
With the approval from Master Thuan Duc Nguyen and Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen, Presidents and Masters Founder of Universal Human Body Energy, the Seattle Headquarter Center is honored to announce that a new UHBE center is established in the city of Castellón – Spain. The opening ceremony will be held on September 28, 2012. This is the second UHBE center in Spain and the name of the center is Asociación Castellón de Meditación UHBE.
Consistent with the progression of Grand Master’s dharma, our Masters lectures often include new discussions or approaches in guiding disciples to gain a better understand about the evolution inevitability of all beings during classes.
Such discussions/approaches sometime are not included in the original text and must be captured. Hence, the organizing committee would go through the manual at the end of each high level class in Seattle to ensure it is updated accordingly. The revised manual would then get sent to all meditation center Leaders for duplication and distribution to disciples as appropriate.